With people from all over the world taking part in business conferences and events, the demand for professional interpreter is getting more and more popular. During these events, language barrier can be a very tough hurdle to get over. In order to communicate effectively, you will need to have an interpreter by your side when attending these business conferences and meetings.Nowadays with the help of Internet, getting a professional interpreter is not hard at all. You can visit some of the translation agencies to look for the right interpreter for your business trips. By hiring interpreters from translation agencies, you can be sure that they are professional and experienced interpreters. The agencies will also ensure that an interpreter is familiar with your subject matter. However, working with an interpreter can also bring some unforeseen challenges and problems for you. This is because the aspect of this job can be really stressful for the interpreters. Professional interpreters do not have breaks and they perform their jobs on the spot. So let me share with you what are some of the tips that you should take note of in order to facilitate your working relationship with an interpreter:1. Communicate clearly with him or her. Clear communication is essential in a good interpreter-client relationship. Make sure you communicate exactly what needs to be translated to the interpreter before the start of the job. You should give him a briefing of what will happen in the meeting. This will help prepare him of what to expect during his work.2. If you have any materials that have been pre-printed, make sure that your interpreter has time to review and read through it. This will help him to read better in front of a live audience as it will not be the first time he is reading it. 3. Be serious. Things that you find funny in a culture may be something that is offensive in another culture. Therefore, humour is a bad thing when it comes to business translations service. A professional interpreter will know to avoid humour during his or her work. 4. Speak slowly. To help your interpreter, you should speak slowly so that he or she can reiterate exactly what you are saying. If you speak too quickly, your interpreter may feel stressed and this can make the job harder for them. So try to speak slower so as to not hinder the quality of the translation in any way. These are just a few tips that you can take note of in order to work effectively and efficiently with an interpreter. If you are hiring an interpreter from a respectable translation service agency, you can expect that the interpreter that the agency provides is well-versed in all of the information above.
By: Cheow Yu Yuan
วันอังคารที่ 29 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551
The 4-1-1 To Learn How To Speak German Online
For those of you who want to learn to speak German the good news is that you have made a wise choice; that is, only if your online course uses a variety of effective teaching strategies to help you learn. First, in order to learn German quickly, you must be self-motivated. Lack of motivation will result in wasting your time and money and guarantee failure. Second, no matter how great your German teacher/tutor, German school or online course is, if you have no desire, you will not learn German. And lastly, research has shown that with motivation and desire you need to utilize learning and communication strategies to empower you to learn to speak fluent German in the most effective way.Learning strategies are techniques used to improve learning, such as mnemonics or using a dictionary. You can implement any of the following learning strategies to further assist you to learn how to speak German:1. Find out your learning style. Ask yourself this question how do I learn or process information? Once you know how you receive and retain information, you will be able to find the learning activity that is best studied for your learning style. For example, I am a visual/tactile learner and I prefer to receive German vocabulary in the form of a picture and then write the word under the picture. In this way, I will be more inclined to remember and learn German vocabulary. There is a wealth of information on how you can use various activities geared to your learning style such as Game software, flash cards, Audio lessons, etc. which any good online German course should include.2. Find a community. If you learn German in a community with a positive attitude toward German, it can have a profound impact on your learning to speak German fluently. It is all about networking. You can find a German forum or study group or join a local social club that can give you more exposure to use and hear German. Thus a good online course should have the resources that allow you easy access to communicate with native-German speakers, fellow students and/or teachers.Communicative strategies are techniques used to get the meaning across even when you have little or no knowledge of the language. To be able to communicate in German to native-German speakers, especially verbally, is vital. · Using objects, pictures, mime are things that you can do to communicate on a basic level. This is a quick technique to build up your vocabulary, especially if you are trying to say something but unable to find/recall the German word. · Engaging in conversation is an excellent way to fine-tune your speaking, listening and comprehensive skills. You should always try to have conversation with an individual who is at a higher-level in German than you. Remember that even if you are highly motivated but remain unwilling to use these strategies, your learning and progress of German will stagnate. Having a solid footing with an excellent German course plus these two strategies will assist you to eventually learn German fluently quickly and effectively.
By: Suzanne Brown
By: Suzanne Brown
How To Learn Spanish In The Car
It's easy to learn Spanish if you begin with the basics. You would be surprised by how much Spanish you can learn by listening to a cd while driving in your car every day. Just get down the simple verbs, some foods, and perhaps a few descriptive terms. Usually people learn Spanish by beginning to say the alphabet and rehearsing greetings such as "hello" and "goodnight," but studying the facial features will allow you to have a bit of variety and spice as you learn Spanish.A very fun basic to begin with while in the process of learning Spanish is the descriptions of the face. The face is recognized as the front part of the head. It includes the lips, nose, eyes, cheeks, eyebrows, nose, hair, teeth, lips, and chin. The face functions as a tool of expression and identity, and people's faces are the body part that is most commonly used to distinguish them. Often caricatures will overemphasize certain parts of the face in order to make them instantly recognizable to the people who may be familiar with those memorable features.If you have a bit of trouble recalling names of others, you may want to become very familiar with the features of the face. The size of someone's eyes let a mother know instantly which one of your children you are talking about.It's good to be able to speak about someone's facial features in Spanish because if you meet someone in a Spanish-speaking country you may have to describe that person to another person who speaks Spanish. Also, describing people's facial features in Spanish will help you to learn Spanish in a fun a creative way.To begin with, if you meet someone who has a thin face, you would say "una cara delgada". Translated into English, this means "She has a thin face." If you meet someone who has a chubby face, you would say "una cara regordete." If you meet someone you would like to describe as having had a face lift you would say un lifting or un "estiramiento facial." If someone has wrinkles you would say "arugas." If someone's face is happy, you would say "una cara alegre." If someone has a big nose you would say "una nariz grande." If someone has sunken eyes you would say "ojos hundidos." In the event that you meet someone with shifty eyes you would say "ojos furtivos."Those are just some Spanish words that you can you use to describe people's faces as you continue to learn Spanish. Now, you will not be at a loss for words when you meet people on the street. See how fun it can be to learn Spanish?In order to avoid the typical method of beginning to learn Spanish such as getting down the alphabet and, "What's your name?" you may want to consider learning the physical anatomy in Spanish or learning how to say the different parts of a typical suburban neighborhood. When you deviate from the norm, it not only can be fun to learn Spanish, but it also can be very exciting.
By: Alex Miller
By: Alex Miller
How To Learn Spanish In The Car
Learn To Speak Spanish For Business
Due to the cultural diversity in today's world, learning to speak Spanish is an excellent decision. When a person learns Spanish, they gain the ability to obtain a better cultural understanding and create more job opportunities.Many people of different cultural origins are constantly migrating to the United States, and the increase of people of Spanish speaking origin has created a lot of diversity in the country. However, with an increase of Spanish speaking people comes an increase in the amount of people who do not know English. Therefore, it helps with team communication if people entering the work force learn to speak Spanish.When a person looking for a job knows two more languages, such as English and Spanish, he or she becomes more valuable to the job market. Being able to speak Spanish will be a valuable asset to put on a resume, and will be considered needed by some employers. A person who has learned to speak Spanish can make an employer's life much easier. For instance, some industries thrive on attracting all members of the community to buy their products, including those who don't know English. For instance, an industry that needs a large market is the insurance industry. Everyone needs car insurance, health insurance, and life insurance. The only way to tell a person who only speaks Spanish about insurance is to speak Spanish. For this reason, many professionals who work in the insurance industry in the U.S are discovering that they need to learn Spanish on their own or employee someone who is willing to learn Spanish.Furthermore, often people who work generally in sales need to learn some way to increase and enhance their communication abilities. Sales is all about communicating with people. The best way to communicate is to make sure that everyone is able to understand one's message. For these reasons, many companies offer to pay for classes that might help one learn Spanish. These classes can be taken at night, and may be completed in about a year to two years.Once a person has learned Spanish, and is able to bring their ability to their place of employment, many opportunities may open up. For instance, learning Spanish creates job opportunities in the medical and customer service related fields. Also, management may offer travel opportunities to employees who have learned to speak Spanish, and a person who has learned Spanish may find themselves getting promoted to positions that require them to use their new Spanish speaking skill. Employees could become ambassadors or key speakers at meetings.To learn Spanish is to gain many opportunities in the world of work. In a nutshell, learning Spanish can be a way for a person to increase their income and likelihood of having constant opportunities for employment. With the right amount of tenacity and dedication, it can become easy to learn Spanish. It merely takes listening skills, attention to detail, patience, and diligence. These are all skills that can be transferred to the work environment and make a successful employee.
By: Alex Miller
By: Alex Miller
Learn To Speak Spanish For Business
วันเสาร์ที่ 19 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551
4 Tips When Working With An Interpreter
With people from all over the world taking part in business conferences and events, the demand for professional interpreter is getting more and more popular. During these events, language barrier can be a very tough hurdle to get over. In order to communicate effectively, you will need to have an interpreter by your side when attending these business conferences and meetings.Nowadays with the help of Internet, getting a professional interpreter is not hard at all. You can visit some of the translation agencies to look for the right interpreter for your business trips. By hiring interpreters from translation agencies, you can be sure that they are professional and experienced interpreters. The agencies will also ensure that an interpreter is familiar with your subject matter. However, working with an interpreter can also bring some unforeseen challenges and problems for you. This is because the aspect of this job can be really stressful for the interpreters. Professional interpreters do not have breaks and they perform their jobs on the spot. So let me share with you what are some of the tips that you should take note of in order to facilitate your working relationship with an interpreter:1. Communicate clearly with him or her. Clear communication is essential in a good interpreter-client relationship. Make sure you communicate exactly what needs to be translated to the interpreter before the start of the job. You should give him a briefing of what will happen in the meeting. This will help prepare him of what to expect during his work.2. If you have any materials that have been pre-printed, make sure that your interpreter has time to review and read through it. This will help him to read better in front of a live audience as it will not be the first time he is reading it. 3. Be serious. Things that you find funny in a culture may be something that is offensive in another culture. Therefore, humour is a bad thing when it comes to business translations service. A professional interpreter will know to avoid humour during his or her work. 4. Speak slowly. To help your interpreter, you should speak slowly so that he or she can reiterate exactly what you are saying. If you speak too quickly, your interpreter may feel stressed and this can make the job harder for them. So try to speak slower so as to not hinder the quality of the translation in any way. These are just a few tips that you can take note of in order to work effectively and efficiently with an interpreter. If you are hiring an interpreter from a respectable translation service agency, you can expect that the interpreter that the agency provides is well-versed in all of the information above.
By: Cheow Yu Yuan
By: Cheow Yu Yuan
4 Tips When Working With An Interpreter
วันอังคารที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551
What Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Have To Do With Your Need To Learn To Speak Spanish
Recently the media reported a study by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, which found that Barack Obama is related to Brad Pitt and Hillary Clinton to Angelina Jolie. Distant cousins, yes, but who would have thought that? However, if we stop and think about it, we realize that despite our differences we are not as different as we think. We are truly only separated by 6 degrees as we all are members of the human race. That being said, why would any North American Anglophone want or need to learn to speak Spanish fluently. Well let us look at our geographic proximity to South America, Central America, Mexico and Latin America all of which primarily speak Spanish (with the exception of Brazil). Would you not want to be able to communicate with your neighbors if they were Spanish-speaking? We are all connected and to learn to speak fluent Spanish would be a step in the right direction. Then there is the numbers game. You should seriously consider learning to speak Spanish fluently because over 400 million people worldwide speak Spanish and that includes countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, Morocco and Gibraltar. That's about half of the population in the Western Hemisphere! In addition, within the United States, Spanish is the second most widely spoken language after English. This has opened up more employment opportunities for individuals who speak both English and Spanish and the ability to speak both languages will continue to become increasingly valuable for people who live in the U.S. with each passing year putting them in the advantage. Spanish is a romance language and hence knowing Spanish is a stepping-stone to understanding many millions of other people who speak one of the other romance languages such as Italian, Portuguese or French and also can strengthen your ties with the European continent as well. Because of the similarities in grammar structure and vocabulary, once you acquire fluency in Spanish, you can become fluent in other languages in a shorter time than it would take someone who is learning their first romance language.Lastly, if you have been living as a desert monk in complete solitude and isolation (which, I may add, is not such a bad thing to do from time to time), thanks to technology and the information highway, our world is no longer that big. Economic globalization is the main driving force behind the increasing importance of being able to communicate with those from other countries. For obvious reasons, the modern trend now shows that more Americans are studying Spanish in record numbers due to many factors, but most importantly, education in an international setting is becoming a top mandate for the American government because people need to be economically competitive. Therefore, it would be a worthwhile and wise personal investment to learn to speak Spanish fluently and to have Spanish as your instrument of connection to re-connect with the Human Network.
By: Suzanne Brown
By: Suzanne Brown
Learn French Fluently In Less Than 8 Weeks And Exercise Your Brain
In today's competitive world, it is not a surprise to see the marketplace inundated with self-improvement products. But did you know that learning a foreign language, such as French, is one of the most overlooked means to improve oneself in North America. And the interesting thing about this is that learning a language has so many benefits that it boggles the mind as to how we fail to see the obvious. We all have our reasons to learn how to speak French online but why not remind you of the obvious and the not so obvious reasons so that you can improve yourself by learning French and go beyond the workplace to enrich your life experiences and join our global community.The first "obvious" is that second language learning is more of a cognitive than linguistic activity. Research shows that children who learn French, or any foreign language, out perform their non-foreign language-learning peers in verbal skills and in problem solving activities such as math. It also increases a child's critical thinking skills, creativity and flexibility of mind. Most of the people that speak more than one language, have acquired fluency from childhood. And haven't you noticed that their pronunciation is native-like pronunciation and intonation? But anyone, regardless of his or her age, can learn a language such as French and improve their cognitive skills because we all know that the single-most determining factors in achieving fluency in are desire and drive.The second "obvious" is that learning French opens the doors to a new culture and hence new experiences. Yes, you can get a promotion or an increase in income if you speak French, not to mention, the admiration of your peers, friends and family. If you learn to speak French fluently, you will have the freedom to travel abroad and not feel imprisoned or alienated by your inability to communicate with the native French speakers. In this way you will be breaking the stereotype of a typical Anglophone tourist in Paris, for example, and be a welcomed citizen of the world.The last "obvious" is not so obvious. Recent studies suggest that individuals who speak more that one language have a lower incidence of senility compared to individuals who speak only one language. Also one of the preventive measures for Alzheimer's is mental stimulation. What better way to exercise your brain than to learn French online at your convenience and on your own terms?Thus, in whatever way you are improving yourself, whether it is mind, body or soul. You should remember to bring your iPod with you and learn French on your way to Yoga class or while you are going for a run or a walk with the dog and exercise your brain. It will not only be your brain that benefits but the 'whole' YOU and your life experiences. Do not forget the obvious. Learn to speak French fluently. Exercise your brain and change your life.
By: Suzanne Brown
By: Suzanne Brown
วันอังคารที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551
3 Creative Ways to Learn a Foreign Language Using the Internet
Most people think of the internet as a place to learn. You can find language learning materials for every conceivable level.Free ways to conjugate verbs, new vocabulary lists and explanations of all grammar points are just some of the things you can do right now. But, as with many things, there are more interesting and creative ways to use the internet to learn a foreign language.And the more creative the better because boredom is guaranteed to kill your desire. There is nothing worse than repeating the same exercises over and over. Keeping things fresh is the surest way to maintain interest and motivation.It doesn't matter if you're learning Spanish, Chinese or Swahili. Once you begin changing your routine and thinking "outside-the-lines" you'll be on your way to fluency. Here are three creative ways to learn a foreign language that you can start to use right now.Tip #1 - Enter a forum where the language is used. - Forums are places where you can get information on any topic imaginable. If you love finger-painting, decorating garbage cans or the study of fingernails, there is a forum that has other people who share the same interest.All you have to do is decide on a topic you already like, perhaps gardening, and look for a forum in the target language. If you're learning Spanish, you can begin to learn Spanish vocabulary terms and expressions about gardening.Your job, depending on your level, is to read the comments of others and get a feel for the group. Then, get busy adding comments of your own. This way, you can learn new words and enter discussions of topics that interest you.Tip #2 - Find a friend in the same forum and begin an email exchange. - Once you're in the group and you're comfortable adding comments, ask if anyone in the group is learning English. (Don't be surprised by the large number of responses). Once you find someone that seems responsible and motivated, ask them if they'd like to practice with you via email. You could begin using Instant Messenger to communicate back and forth. And since you have a common interest, you'd have a lot to talk about. The best way to handle this relationship is to have a set time to communicate in the language you want to learn, and then have the same amount of time in English so that your partner can practice.Tip #3 - Find websites that you like in the target language and sign up for their newsletters. - First, you need to access pages in the target language. You do this by going to Google and looking for a link called preferences. It's right next to the search box. Find the language you want to learn and save it. Then enter a topic you like and go to some web pages. Find one you like and sign up for their newsletter. This way, you'll have emails sent to your address in the target language that can be used to study.Make sure you find a site that you like. And while you're at it, take a close look at the web site itself. What words do they use to attract their readers? What expressions can you pick up that spice up your own conversations?All right now. With one of these ideas you can re-charge your language learning batteries and begin learning faster and easier than ever. So it's time to get to it.
By: Jim Sarris
By: Jim Sarris
บทความ (Atom)